Monday, June 22, 2009

Back Bigger and Better than Before For I Am ME!

Been LIVING a little guys and have been away from my blog. So many things have happened between my last post and today! I am so grateful for the life the I live. Now I am here to share a lesson that I learned and have experienced over the last couple of months of deliberately creating. You dont KNOW something unless you have lived it and experienced it and can draw upon your lessons learned from it.

12 Laws of Riches (My interpretations) 1-4

1. Positive Mental Attitude- Saying Yes To Me!! Yes To Luxury, Yes To Harmonous Relationships, Yes To A Life of Adventure, Yes To Innovation, Yes To Progress, Yes To ME!!!, Yes To Positive and Only Positive Conversations.

2. Sound Health -( I love to engage in a physical exercise that is in the form of art ie Martial Arts, Boxing, Swimming, and Surfing.) My Body is a temple! Yes To Good Health.

3. Harmony in Human Relations ( Honesty with myself and my peers. Engaging in relationships that speak to the affirmative of who I am. Which is Wealthy, Healthy, Compassionate, Understanding, Innovative, Optimistic, Honest, and HAPPY!! )

4. Freedom From Fear ( This one is something that took me time and still bothers me at times. This one is something that required me to really build my life to order. As babies we have no fears I had to go back to a baby and look at things for what they are and not for what society and growing up enviorments had me believe. FEAR is a illusion people we are all made in Gods image. IF WANT YOU WANT TO DO IS RIGHT GO AHEAD AND DO IT GOD HAS YOUR BACK!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Have A Plan

Wanting success isn't sufficient enough to get it.
You have to ask yourself,
"What am I going to do to get the things I want?"

Your problem is how to bridge the gap which exists
between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

You cannot fail with a definite step-by-step plan,
because each step carries you along to the next step, like a track.
All you need is the plan, the road map,
and the courage to press on to your destination.

You cannot get lost on a straight road.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Something To Think About

A very famous quote from Jay-Z a guy I study very thoroughly.

"Im not a businessman I'm a business,Man"

This is enfact is exactly what all of us are. WE are the product that people buy or sell. Everything we do is a investment into the business of who we are. Whether it be school, books we read, seminars, friends we keep, etc. All these things whether good or bad are a investment into our business. Doubt, fear, procrasitination, gossip, and pessimism are examples of bad investmensts in any company. While knowledge, excitement, creativity, optimism, and honest relationships are qualities of a thriving company. What are some of the things your appreciate about your favorite companies? What draws you back to them or causes you to refer everyone to them? These answers are the answers to some of the questions in your life. Now I know nice designs or sturdy materials are not things that you produce daily or even at! But those are just physical manifestations of hardwork, innovation, and determination. Those are the qualities that we all posses, invest in your self Today!

One Love

Will "INO"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quote of the Day!

Nothing is worse than the person who goes around seeking Greener Pastures and Never taking the time the master what is in his garden

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Success Diet!

Something Fun But True

DietI found for success,Or make up your own diet. Effort is a choice, at least make it on purpose:

  1. Delete 120 minutes a day of ‘spare time’ from your life. This can include TV, reading the newspaper, commuting, wasting time in social networks and meetings. Up to you.
  2. Spend the 120 minutes doing this instead:
    • Exercise for thirty minutes.
    • Read relevant non-fiction (trade magazines, journals, business books, blogs, etc.)
    • Send three thank you notes.
    • Learn new digital techniques (spreadsheet macros, Firefox shortcuts, productivity tools, graphic design, html coding)
    • Volunteer.
    • Blog for five minutes about something you learned.
    • Give a speech once a month about something you don’t currently know a lot about.
  3. Spend at least one weekend day doing absolutely nothing but being with people you love.
  4. Only spend money, for one year, on things you absolutely need to get by. Save the rest, relentlessly.

If you somehow pulled this off, then six months from now, you would be the fittest, best rested, most intelligent, best funded and motivated person in your office or your field. You would know how to do things other people don’t, you’d have a wider network and you’d be more focused.

Good Luck!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Question? What did you just say?

The quality of the questions we ask ourselves detrimines the quality of life that we have. Example "How am going to pay my bills?, How can I ever afford something like that? as opposed to "How can I pay my bills and do and have what I love? These two questions will generate two VERY different outcomes. The creative, optimistic, and empowering your questions the creative, optimistic and empowering your life will become! 

Here is a list of Empowering Questions that if asked and answered everyday your life will be changed forever ( in a good way)! 
  1. What would I absolutely love to do in my life?
  2. How do i get handsomely, beautifully, and incredibly paid to do what I love?
  3. What are the seven highest priority action steps I can do today to make that happen?
  4. What obstacles might I encounter and how can I solve them in advance?
  5. How can I do it more effectively and efficiently?
  6. What worked today and What didn't?
  7. How did whatever happened to whether negative or positive serve me?
Best of "luck" folks!!!
(Luck is around us everyday but are we prepared to see it)!

Wisdom and Prosperity to All
William L. Smith Jr. (INO)!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Get What You Ask For And Nothing More!

Just wanted to share a quick story about "Asking"
One of the most important lesson's I learned recently comes from a friend of mine. A friend who had a job opening I briefly told the other friend about the potential of the job opening but did not say it was OK to speak on it. So one day I have them in the same vicinity and what does friend #1 do but ask straight up so can I get the job when it is available. This left me shocked and almost violated because of the direct nature it which the question had come. Once reaching home I analyzed the encounter and took a lesson from it, "why be bashful about what you want if somebody has something you want ask them for it point, blank period." There is no reason to be hesitant about what it is that you want in life. As long as you dont disrespect another person in the process. Applying this principal to my life has paid off tremendously over the last month. Go Christmas 1985 with it ( that is my era lol!) ask for the best toys in the world! lol! What ever you want you can ask for it.

Bonus Video

PS! I am not a English Major so all English majors feel free to put your red ink in your pocket and turn the other cheek!

Wisdom and Prosperity To All
