Monday, April 20, 2009

What is Life And Where Do You And I Fit In.

Hello Friends,

As you know we are in what is talked about in the Media and thought the world as "Harsh" economic times. The more and more we listen to this the easier it is to feed it into thinking that this is the way our lives are supposed to be. This is the farthest thing from the truth our realities are what ever we make it to be. During these times I am richer than I have ever been in my entire life. The reason for this is Riches are a term that I have the ability to define for myself as you can do the same? How do I define Riches?

Riches are anything that is essential to my growth as a individual, these things are priceless. My riches consist of family, friends, health, giving of myself to others, and living life on principals.
For this reason I am richer than I have ever been. Material wealth as we all know can come and go but our priceless possessions are here to stay forever and they are FREE of charge. Family, Friends, Health, Peace Of Mind, are all things that come to us Free and they are at our control. Today I offer my testament to you because WE are all wealthy beyond or wildest imagination we just have to look in the right places.

We are all individuals that have the power to choose for this reason make a choice today to be Rich as I have. I look forward to experiencing this richness with all of you.

P.S. Who is Richer him or You?

Much Love

William Smith