Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Building up oneself in his own truth

How many times in the last year have you asked yourself why you are doing the thing that you are doing, whether it be work, leisure, school etc? This important question is probably asked more times in one day than you could probably imagine, yet it goes unanswered or given a wrong answer. The Question Why am I doing this when answered honestly can lead to gigantic amounts of change in our lives. The key is figuring out how do we find the right answer. The answer cannot come to us unless we invest time in understanding ourselves and the things that make up our lives. It is time to take inventory of our sacared lives. Just like anything else in nature we must eliminate the weeds(stress, frustrations, procrastinations, gossip)  and water the life (optimism, goals, dreams, etc.) Once we truly understand what each and every thing in our life means to US and US alone we can began to answer the question that will change our lives forever. Stress will be a thing of the past and Optimism will be the theme of the future. Anything in life is attainable if we can think it. Water your lives Ladies and Gentlemen! 

Signing off Will "INO" (Innovation) 

Peace And Posperity To All