Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Quote of the Day!

Nothing is worse than the person who goes around seeking Greener Pastures and Never taking the time the master what is in his garden

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Success Diet!

Something Fun But True

DietI found for success,Or make up your own diet. Effort is a choice, at least make it on purpose:

  1. Delete 120 minutes a day of ‘spare time’ from your life. This can include TV, reading the newspaper, commuting, wasting time in social networks and meetings. Up to you.
  2. Spend the 120 minutes doing this instead:
    • Exercise for thirty minutes.
    • Read relevant non-fiction (trade magazines, journals, business books, blogs, etc.)
    • Send three thank you notes.
    • Learn new digital techniques (spreadsheet macros, Firefox shortcuts, productivity tools, graphic design, html coding)
    • Volunteer.
    • Blog for five minutes about something you learned.
    • Give a speech once a month about something you don’t currently know a lot about.
  3. Spend at least one weekend day doing absolutely nothing but being with people you love.
  4. Only spend money, for one year, on things you absolutely need to get by. Save the rest, relentlessly.

If you somehow pulled this off, then six months from now, you would be the fittest, best rested, most intelligent, best funded and motivated person in your office or your field. You would know how to do things other people don’t, you’d have a wider network and you’d be more focused.

Good Luck!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Question? What did you just say?

The quality of the questions we ask ourselves detrimines the quality of life that we have. Example "How am going to pay my bills?, How can I ever afford something like that? as opposed to "How can I pay my bills and do and have what I love? These two questions will generate two VERY different outcomes. The creative, optimistic, and empowering your questions the creative, optimistic and empowering your life will become! 

Here is a list of Empowering Questions that if asked and answered everyday your life will be changed forever ( in a good way)! 
  1. What would I absolutely love to do in my life?
  2. How do i get handsomely, beautifully, and incredibly paid to do what I love?
  3. What are the seven highest priority action steps I can do today to make that happen?
  4. What obstacles might I encounter and how can I solve them in advance?
  5. How can I do it more effectively and efficiently?
  6. What worked today and What didn't?
  7. How did whatever happened to whether negative or positive serve me?
Best of "luck" folks!!!
(Luck is around us everyday but are we prepared to see it)!

Wisdom and Prosperity to All
William L. Smith Jr. (INO)!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You Get What You Ask For And Nothing More!

Just wanted to share a quick story about "Asking"
One of the most important lesson's I learned recently comes from a friend of mine. A friend who had a job opening I briefly told the other friend about the potential of the job opening but did not say it was OK to speak on it. So one day I have them in the same vicinity and what does friend #1 do but ask straight up so can I get the job when it is available. This left me shocked and almost violated because of the direct nature it which the question had come. Once reaching home I analyzed the encounter and took a lesson from it, "why be bashful about what you want if somebody has something you want ask them for it point, blank period." There is no reason to be hesitant about what it is that you want in life. As long as you dont disrespect another person in the process. Applying this principal to my life has paid off tremendously over the last month. Go Christmas 1985 with it ( that is my era lol!) ask for the best toys in the world! lol! What ever you want you can ask for it.

Bonus Video

PS! I am not a English Major so all English majors feel free to put your red ink in your pocket and turn the other cheek!

Wisdom and Prosperity To All


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Building up oneself in his own truth

How many times in the last year have you asked yourself why you are doing the thing that you are doing, whether it be work, leisure, school etc? This important question is probably asked more times in one day than you could probably imagine, yet it goes unanswered or given a wrong answer. The Question Why am I doing this when answered honestly can lead to gigantic amounts of change in our lives. The key is figuring out how do we find the right answer. The answer cannot come to us unless we invest time in understanding ourselves and the things that make up our lives. It is time to take inventory of our sacared lives. Just like anything else in nature we must eliminate the weeds(stress, frustrations, procrastinations, gossip)  and water the life (optimism, goals, dreams, etc.) Once we truly understand what each and every thing in our life means to US and US alone we can began to answer the question that will change our lives forever. Stress will be a thing of the past and Optimism will be the theme of the future. Anything in life is attainable if we can think it. Water your lives Ladies and Gentlemen! 

Signing off Will "INO" (Innovation) 

Peace And Posperity To All

Monday, April 20, 2009

What is Life And Where Do You And I Fit In.

Hello Friends,

As you know we are in what is talked about in the Media and thought the world as "Harsh" economic times. The more and more we listen to this the easier it is to feed it into thinking that this is the way our lives are supposed to be. This is the farthest thing from the truth our realities are what ever we make it to be. During these times I am richer than I have ever been in my entire life. The reason for this is Riches are a term that I have the ability to define for myself as you can do the same? How do I define Riches?

Riches are anything that is essential to my growth as a individual, these things are priceless. My riches consist of family, friends, health, giving of myself to others, and living life on principals.
For this reason I am richer than I have ever been. Material wealth as we all know can come and go but our priceless possessions are here to stay forever and they are FREE of charge. Family, Friends, Health, Peace Of Mind, are all things that come to us Free and they are at our control. Today I offer my testament to you because WE are all wealthy beyond or wildest imagination we just have to look in the right places.

We are all individuals that have the power to choose for this reason make a choice today to be Rich as I have. I look forward to experiencing this richness with all of you.

P.S. Who is Richer him or You?

Much Love

William Smith

Welcome: Getting to know one another.!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the LIFE IS BUT A BEACH CHAIR BLOG!!!!!!!! A place where you can feel comfortable growing and discussing topics that will stimulate growth in all areas of your life. There is know judging, slander or anything negative we are living life on permanent Vacay.

Today is a day where we introduce ourselves.

Let me introduce myself to everybody I am...

  • Insightful
  • Innovative
  • Resourceful
  • Appreciative
  • Accepting
  • Prosperous
  • Compassionate
  • Dreamer
  • Pessimistic
  • Procrastinator
  • Boastful
  • Shy

And your name is ...?

As you can see already, this blog is going to be full of mind stimulating content that will touch your core and cause you to reach down deep to come up with answers. Ask yourself can you introduce yourself with out giving out a meaningless name. Your name doesn't define you, your character traits define exactly who you are to the world. Try it, you know exactly who I am without even knowing my name. Most importantly be real with yourself we all have negative things that we have about ourselves. As we work through these blogs we will work together to eliminate these traits. Honesty is Key.

Lesson of The Day: Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. Dale Carnegie

How I will apply this to my life: I will be more conscious of the things that I allow myself to feel about myself and really analyze the source. If I feel it is not coming from within me then I will make every attempt to eliminate the thought.

How will you apply it to your life?

We need discussions people!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be the standard setup for this Blog very simple but will have you thinking and growing.